Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Congrats to all! October 17th 2023 the Eureka City Council voted to decriminalize entheogens!

A huge congratulations to all. It took the community to successfully decriminalize entheogens. A huge thank you to the many community members who sent emails, and spoke at the meeting, which gave the council the confidence they needed to vote yes on decriminalization. It truly takes a community to create change.
If you have the time please email messages of gratitude to the Eureka City Council:
Kim Bergel – kbergel@eurekaca.gov – 707-441-4200
Leslie Castellano - lcastellano@eurekaca.gov – 707-441-4169
Kati Moulton - kmoulton@eurekaca.gov – 707-441-4168
Scott Bauer - sbauer@eurekaca.gov – 707-441-4167
G. Mario Fernandez - gmfernandez@eurekaca.gov – 707-441-4171
Renee Contreras-DeLoach - rcontreras@eurekaca.gov – 707-441-4170
Photos of Supporters from Oct. 17th 2023 Council Meeting

Supporters voicing their support for the decriminalization of entheogens during public comment on September 5th 2023. This was a huge factor that got the resolution on the agenda for a vote.